
Monday, August 5, 2019

Letting the teenager drive

We let the teenager drive twice on this trip.The first time was in the parking lot/campground of a KOA. That went well. The brakes are kind of tricky so I was a little worried. You really have to press them. All the way. 

The second time was on the highway when we left the Cheyenne, Wyoming  rest area. OMG. That was freakin scary. I love her. I think she's a pretty good driver. But no teenager should drive on an 80 MPH freeway with trucks entering and passing 18-wheelers and whatnot. And that was it. That's all the driving she did. I was not emotionally stable enough for any more than that.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Blue Hole, New Mexico

I can't tell you how excited we were when we looked at our route to Lubbock and saw that it took us straight through Santa Rosa. This was one of our favorite stops last summer on our way to Santa Fe. In less than 3 hours from Angel Fire we were all jumping into these icy cold springs and soaking up the sun. I highly recommend this pool. And the only fee is $5 for parking!!  (If you look closely you can see the CWV waiting patiently in the parking lot back there.)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

More Angel Fire

In the evening we drove back to the base of the mountain (the sky was full of thunder and lighting otherwise this place is an easy ride from camp) for dinner at the same Tex-Mex place we had lunch. There are only a handful or restaurants in Angel Fire and both pizzas places were closed tonight. Slim pickins. The churro dessert was worth every penny. Make sure you order it with the ice cream. 

Friday, August 2, 2019

Angel Fire, New Mexico

We continued to make our way back to Texas via New Mexico and the Angel Fire bike park we've heard so much about. It was fun, but I've been to funner. The very best part about Angel Fire is that you can camp literally at the base of the ski mountain for just $15 a night. We had the entire campground to ourselves for 2 nights. I wish we had water access because we could have really used showers. The day we got there we went white water rafting in the Arkansas, but somehow that didn't make me feel cleaner.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Sugar Loaf’n Campground, Leadville, Colorado

Our intention was to stay the night in Frisco, but last minute camping on a Friday night in Colorado is damn near impossible. We ended up near Turquoise Lake in Leadville instead. No complaints. This place is gorgeous and they have a laundry room and now we have clean clothes!!