
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

BMX break

We interrupt CWV progress to build this sweet set of wheels for The FitBike. This BMX bike will be ready and road tripping weeks before The Club Wagon ... 

Monday, May 27, 2019


Installing speakers is a good project to knock out while waiting for paint to dry. It's hard for me to imagine the 4 of us agreeing on any music, but maybe we'll all wanna refresh ourselves on the music that's coming to ACL this fall?

Sunday, May 26, 2019


CWV now has two coats of Herculiner Truck Bed Liner painted on her floor. As soon as it finishes drying (It's taking a little extra time because it's SO HUMID out) we will be ready to put down plywood, then flooring. This liner protects the metal from moisture and getting rusty again. ... Don't know if I've mentioned this before, but moisture is a big problem in vans that are built up for camping. It seems to me like that would only be if you were showering, washing, or cooking in there, but we aren't taking chances. 

Partially painted.
I think the black floors look super cool.
This is the stuff. It's messy. SBF even wore gloves and he still has it on his hands.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

rust treatment

All the black spots you see on this new and exciting picture are where the rusty spots have been treated. Another, important, necessary, kinda boring progress report. All these pictures remind of if you posted a bunch of pictures all the stuff that had to be done to your nails before you ended up with the perfect manicure. The soaking. The filing. The scraping, The cutting. More filing. Cuticles. The hand massage. God, I could use a hand massage right now.  Anyhow, your nails would suck without all those things, and the van is just taking her sweet time to get to the POLISH.
A closer view of the rust treatment. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Insulation ... check!

One of those subtle progress pictures I mentioned earlier. She is now fully insulated, the blue tape and excessive foam have all been cleared away, and she's ready to have her rusty parts treated.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tidying up

When all the foam was finally finished we went through and cut off the excess foam and then pulled the blue tape. This was one of those very satisfying jobs that everyone could help with, even kids who happen to be riding BMX bikes in the cul-de-sac could be pulled in to help. (Helmets are not mandatory for jobs like this, just highly recommended.) 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

spray foam

First off, I'm sorry for the lack of CWV posts and updates. Y'all the progress is slow and somewhat unimpressive to the naked eye. Or maybe just to my eye. And spray foam took at least a week. I asked for the finally tally of how many cans of spray foam were used to fill the guts of CWV, but still haven't gotten an answer. Lets just say TONS. And many trips to the hardware store. This stuff is cheaper by the dozen, and SBF came home with at least a dozen at a time. In some places the foam seeped out of the blue tape, but for the most part it heals pretty nicely. This is from the beginning of foaming, when we realized this is a much bigger job than anticipated.